Artificial Intelligence is here to stay

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have been topics of research for over 80 years. The first initial steps into these fields started in the 1950’s with Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy and other key pioneers, but only the most recent technological advancements (check also “Why is everyone talking about AI today?”) have made what we currently […]

Hult alumnus makes Forbes list of top 100 Italian leaders under 30

Full article at Luigi Congedo graduated with his Masters in International Business in 2013. During his time at Hult, he was actively involved in the Venture Club. Over the years, he has gained experience in business development and finance. His passion, however, is startups. And he wants to contribute to their success on a global […]

Ciao Mamma, I am in Forbes

(Below you can find the Italian version) I am thrilled to share with you that I have been featured in Forbes today as one of the “TOP 100 ITALIAN LEADERS UNDER 30”. I still remember reading Forbes when I was at my first year of university, dreaming about my professional career without knowing what would come […]

You Could Become an AI Master Before You Know It

2017 was definitely the year of AI. PwC and Accenture predict that the economic impact of AI on our society will approach $15 Trillion by 2030 and that no sector will remain untouched. Last week, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, said that Artificial Intelligence is “one of the most important things that humanity is working on. It’s more profound than, I don’t know, […]

Come contattare un investor?

Da early stage investor uno dei miei obbiettivi è quello di aiutare quanti più founders possibile. Il successo di un fondo di investimento seed stage dipende in grandissima parte dal deal-flow e quindi dalla capacità dei Partners del fondo di attirare imprenditori di successo.

A Young Italian Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley

Luigi’s experience in Silicon Valley has been eye-opening: “I love it here and, since my arrival, I tried to understand what makes this relatively small area, the world’s leader in innovation. My conclusion is that there are a lot of unique elements that makes S.V. the best place for tech entrepreneurs and some of the most important ones are these three: meritocracy, cultural diversity and multidisciplinary skills.”