EU AI act, regole e produttività

😣 #AIact? MAYBE… leggi per regolare #AI? mmmm Parliamo di cosa serve realmente per iniziare ad aumentare la competitiva delle nostre aziende. 1️⃣ Il problema principale? La mancanza di talento 2️⃣ Il secondo problema? Il 95% di progetti di Intelligenza Artificiale finiscono per restare pilot, e non vengono mai realizzati. Dopo aver investito in oltre 35 aziende […]

Generative AI Requires Deep Organizational Change

Key skills companies will need to adopt generative AI The key is combining strong technical skills with soft skills like design, collaboration, and anticipation. Upskilling existing talent is crucial, as is establishing centralized teams to enable scaling through standards. Architecting for reuse and trust is critical. The potential economic impact of adopting generative AI Increased productivity […]

“Skills vs. Followers: The Unpopular Truth

🔍 Did you know that on LinkedIn, followers are often valued more than skills? But here’s the thing: that’s all wrong. We need to seriously rethink our core values as a society. Are we preparing young students to become leaders or followers? At some point in the past kid wants to be astronauts and athletes. […]

The Uncharted Evolution of humanity

Hello I am Luigi Congedo, and welcome to my nonsensical newsletter. While I primarily write for my own amusement, I’ve decided to start sharing some of the news and eccentric thoughts that cross my mind. After all, I’m on the lookout for fellow outlandish souls like myself. During my upbringing, one of my favorite movies […]

Why we started Data Masters?

OPPORTUTNIY DEEP DIVE The global education market is slated to reach an estimated $8 trillion in value by 2030 from $6 trillion in 2022. Education is the great equalizer. But access to quality learning has been far from equitable, resulting in severe disparities in wealth, economic growth and advancement across the world. Today thanks to […]

Perché Data Masters?

Cosi inizia la mia ultima intervista con Startup Italia “«L’AI propulsore di produttività e innovazione. Per questo è fondamentale democratizzarne l’accesso»” dello scorso 4 Agosto 2023. Per spiegar ancor meglio il problema che stiamo risolvendo con Data Masters. A tal proposito ho deciso di approfondire in questo blog post. Opportutniy Deep Dive Il mercato globale […]

What Is The 1% Better Rule?

Too often our mind makes the mistake of trying to achieve a goal in a short time, by doing a lot of work, all together, and without patience for iteration. “Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress.” Take control of your destiny, take control of your chances, you […]

AI Never Sleeps

Until the early 2000s, the attention of international financial markets was often solely focused on Wall Street, it was said, ‘Money Never Sleeps.’ Now that the center of gravity has shifted from Wall Street to Silicon Valley, we can safely say that today this slogan of the famous American traders has changed to ‘AI Never Sleeps’.

If not now, when?

Since I was 22 years old, I have been practically traveling around the world. After over 12 years in the USA, sacrifices, and experiences abroad in 4 countries, I returned to Italy with a specific goal: to do something for my country! Although many believe that technology, specifically artificial intelligence, is a threat to our […]